MNH has built its standard TMS clinic policies and procedures manuals based upon HIPAA regulations, insurance guidelines, and federal labor laws. When you become a client of MNH, we further customize these binders specifically for your TMS clinic.
Each of our TMS Start It Up! clients receives two (2) customized binders that include the following:
- TMS clinic patient registration and intake procedures
- TMS patient scheduling procedure and policies
- Customized TMS clinic forms
- Customized patient intake packet
- Employee orientation manual
- Annual employee training
- Customized new employee orientation forms
- Sample TMS documentation
- TMS employee job descriptions
- TMS procedures for daily operations
- Medical emergency policy
- Seizure protocol policy
- Mind Your Mental Health Therapy Series
- Customized HR materials
- Customized application for employment
- and multiple other miscellaneous policies and TMS clinic policies and forms